There are many options for your energy supplier dollars. You can be supplied directly by your utility, but they intentionally price themselves out of the supply market. They don’t want that part of the business. They want to make their money on the infrastructure used to deliver your energy. Using an outside supplier will save you 15-30%. This is true for both Gas & Electric bills. If they wanted to be your supplier, they would be more price competitive.

You could try a supplier’s direct sales rep. Here your options are limited to ONE Supplier. You either take the offer or you don’t. If you don’t, then you need to contact other suppliers to rate shop. The BIG Challenge with that is you have no way to make an Apples-to-Apples comparison. Rates Change Daily. Suppliers are extremely precise in their wording.

But let’s assume you’re a lawyer in the energy business. And you can get Apples-to-Apples rate quote for your business from ALL the suppliers that do business in your state. The time it takes to do this is valuable time taken away from your core business. You make money in your business, not the energy procurement business, Right?
That is why you NEED a broker! A Great Broker is a Real Asset to your Business. He/She helps you to meet your business goals of minimizing your unavoidable energy costs.
Here are some ways a Great Broker can Help Lower your Costs OVER TIME:
Utility Bill Audit and Refund Service
– Depending on the particulars of your Industry; i.e. Manufacturing, Restaurant, Non-Profit Organization and so many more, you may be eligible to collect refunds or credits because you’ve been Overcharged by your utility. A Great Broker works with your utility providers to perform a comprehensive audit of past, current, and future utility bills. They handle all the appropriate paperwork with the utility providers, to secure refunds, and/or file exemptions moving forward thereby gaining future savings for you. The best part is there is No Fee unless they Save you money! There are No Obligations or Up-Front Fees. You don’t even need to change suppliers.
High volume Brokers get “Broker Only” Pricing
– There are many rates that are unpublished anywhere else. Look at it from the supplier’s perspective. Their costs in the Broker Relationship are very low. No sales rep costs, no marketing costs means Lower Pricing to the consumer, You. A Great Broker will present you with options, not a single rate. We “shop” for you. Saving you time and money.
Exception Pricing
– If you have a moderate to large usage or an unusual load profile, your Broker will have a very positive impact on your business’ bottom-line. We have the ability to advocate for exemption pricing because of your usage or special circumstances. Your Broker should be your Energy Supply Expert.
If you do not have an Energy Supply Expert, let us begin with an Energy Bill Audit so that we can get you a Refund from your utility. There are no Up-Front Fees; your utility bills could be reduced hundreds or thousands of dollars per year.

Marco E. Dimbo is an Independent Advisor at Ohio Energy Guide.

Ohio Energy Guide helps customers find the right energy product for their business. Find out how Ohio Energy Guide will help your business save time and money because of the competitive energy markets created through deregulation in the US. We will use all the technology available to help you compare gas and electricity providers and enjoy the low gas and electricity rates your company deserves.

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